Over the Christmas holidays, I made a number of gifts for friends and family. All of them had some shopmade wooden component. I'll be posting some of those projects at a later date.
These are two of the clocks I made. The one on the left, a cantilevered clock, I made for my sister-in-law. She is a corporate executive and I wanted to make her something eye-catching for her desk. The clock is made from cherry, wenge and zebrawood. The idea came from a clock I saw in the viewer's gallery on FineWoodworking.com.
The clock on the right is for my wife. It is of my own design. I started with the arch and moved on from there. The clock is suspended by two dowels on wither side of the round cherry clock holder. The arch is made of mahogany.
This was my first attempt at string inlay. The inlay was done with a Bosch Colt router, a 1/16" bit and an edge guide. The inlay is specially selected, organically grown, hand-picked, poplar from Le Depot' du Home. Hey, I didn't want to ruin some nice holly on my first attempt.
At any rate, I learned a lot from the process, including how to downsize a dowel that didn't fit the original drilled hole. This had to be accomplished after the arch was cut, where re-drilling with a Forstner bit would have cracked the grain at the top of the arch. Many thanks to my pals at Woodcentral for their help. If you're not reading the WoodCentral boards, you are really missing out!
Remember, without a push by the user, a plane is just a decoration and not a tool!
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